Thursday, June 22, 2017

Rain, Rain, Rain

This tropical storm can go away! I need sun!  So far in my unscientific rain gauge outside, I have dumped 10 inches and I know it has been more because the first time it overflowed because I couldn't go dump it guessed was pouring rain! It has rained all day and night for 3 days! On the bright side, I have read 7 books, written 3 blog posts and it has given my tennis elbow a rest and I've followed doctor's orders to ice and heat it quite a bit...nothing else to do! I have a garage apartment and I went out to check it today and yep, it's flooded! If IT EVER QUITS RAINING, I will be cleaning that up with the shop vac and I guess that will flair up my elbow again.....and round and round it goes........I JUST WANT TO GO CAMPING!

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