Friday, October 7, 2016

Who is Kappy?

My real name is Kathy, but my grands call me Kappy.  Since this blog is mostly for them, that’s what I used.  My profession is in education but I can tell you right now I am NOT an English major and writing is NOT my forte!  If you can ignore errors I’ll pretend I didn’t make them and we should get along fine!
Like I said before, I am a loner, but I don’t live alone.  I have 3 dogs and a cat! First, there’s Cricket:
Cricket is a Rat Terrier obviously.  I got Cricket to keep the squirrels out of my yard.  (That is a story for another time). Squirrels are her business and she has taught the other dogs to chase them too.  She rules the roost around here.  She is typical terrier:  high energy, high strung, whiney, obnoxious sometimes, and sometimes ornery.  She will be 12 in November and is beginning to show signs of her age.  She is jealous of the others and lets them know who is boss.  She hates for her nails to be clipped.  She loves me and only me. 
Cali is a stray that my son brought home one night.  Cali had many issues when she came; mainly she was terrified of everything.  After getting her spayed, bathed, treated for a skin condition, and much patience she became a total sweetheart.  She is meek, great with the grands, loving, and deathly afraid of loud noises-especially fireworks and thunder.  She hates leashes around her neck and wears a harness when I take her somewhere.  I think she must have been mistreated as a puppy and possible chained around the neck or something.  It has taken many hours working with the harness to just get her to the vet.  I estimate Cali is about 7 years old.


Murphy is a Chiweenie.  He is 3 years old.  Murphy was my son's dog (yeah, the same son who brought home Cali-dogs gravitate to him, what can I say?) who came to live with me after he kept escaping the fence at my son's and a neighbor shot him.  The pellet in his leg was removed so he could walk normally, but he lives with two pellets still inside him-one very close to his windpipe and the other close to his spine.  The vet decided to leave those as the surgery for each one was too risky.  He is very sweet, great with the grands, loves to climb on the outside furniture, and barks a LOT.
CC is the cat.  CC was my other son's cat who came to live with me when he couldn't keep her at his apartment.  CC is not normal.  LOL.  She does not play like regular cats.  She doesn't like toys, never has.  She doesn't even like people sometimes.  She doesn't like to be held and likes to be petted rarely.  CC likes two things:  Cali, the dog, and to be brushed.  No idea how old CC is, but I think around 10-11 years.  Her tongue sticks out because she has no teeth!

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